Pre-K Activities: Back to School
Has your school district decided how they will begin the school year this fall? Many districts have not yet announced their plans, which can feel frustrating, especially for teachers who need to plan their curriculum! In the midst of waiting, I decided to create some fun, hands-on Back to School activities that can be used for in-classroom instruction as well as distance learning. (Hint: Laminate everything, so you simply have to wipe down with a lysol wipe!) These can be used for independent centers where students can have their individual mat and manipulatives. When finished, students can wipe down their own centers, creating independent and responsible learners!
Is your district going 100% online this fall? That can be really tricky for young students. We as early childhood educators know that our kiddos need hands-on materials that engage our students and strengthen those little fingers! I suggest “renting” these activities out and rotating them between families (1-2 activities per child). When an activity is returned, sanitize and then pass it on to the next family. Hopefully this will offer resources to our families, empower the parents, and help keep our students still learning while at home!
You can find all of these activities seen in the pictures above in my Pre-K Activities: Back to School bundle!
You may also like my Pre-K Worksheets: Back to School, which are a great option for distance learning!
How are you planning your instruction during this bizarre school year? Is there a resource or activity you’d like to see? Email me at and let me know if I can make something for you! Chances are if you need it, others need it too!